Workshop Descriptions by Session
Workshop Descriptions by Strand
SESSION 1: 9:45am - 11:15am
Data Analyst
Actionable evidence: Using the Rapid Cycle Evaluation Coach to support education decision-making
This workshop will teach participants how to use the Rapid Cycle Evaluation Coach to assess the effectiveness of technologies and interventions used in schools. The Coach is a free, user-friendly web tool that allows any individual, no matter their experience, to learn how to conduct their own evaluation. The Coach guides users through the process of evaluating specific programs and answering the question that matters most: Is this program having the desired effect? The answer to this question is critically important for identifying the programs are actually improving outcomes for students, and testing ways to improve the programs that aren’t having the desired effect.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Alexandra Resch, Mathematica Policy Research
Data Analyst
Pivot Tables and Charts: Extracting the Significance from our Excel Datasets
Pivot tables are one of Excel's most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to extract the significance from a large, detailed data set. This workshop has 2 primary goals:
1. To equip school leaders, teachers, and data coaches with the confidence to glean significant findings from their data by imparting knowledge of how to construct (fairly) simple Pivot Tables that make it easy to tabulate and summarize data; and
2. To demonstrate how to visualize findings garnered from Pivot Tables by utilizing another tool called Pivot Charts.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Dereck Norville-Bowie, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Data Visualization
Key Principles of Data Visualization
This session will cover fundamental design strategies for data display. Participants will learn what data visualization is, why bad data visualization can mislead and misinform, and how to develop good data visualizations that effectively communicate accurate information and highlight key conclusions.
By the end of the session participants will:
-Learn how to choose the most effective metrics for measuring goals
-Learn how to choose the proper visualization
-Learn how to tell a story with their data
-Learn how to tailor their visualization to their audience
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Allison Kerbel,KIPP DC
Early Childhood
What does it mean to be school ready?: Using data to inform your school’s needs
Join this session to explore new data from Raise DC on early childhood outcomes in the District. We’ll use this disaggregated school readiness data to identify trends participants will apply to their own pre-K 3 to 3rd grades experiences and questions around curriculum, data, partnerships with families, and outcomes. Participants will identify trends for school readiness for both children and schools across the city. Participants leave this session with concrete ideas to apply the data to their work across the early grades.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User
Speaker(s): Laura Dallas McSorley Raise DC and Rebecca Kimport, AppleTree Early Learning Public Charter School
Data Sharing with Families through Academic Partnering
This workshop is for PK3-8th grade teachers or school leaders who currently hold conferences with families. We will review the core beliefs that Flamboyan Foundation has surrounding the importance of having a trusting relationship with families for successful academic partnership. We will then review four of the most common ways our partners share data with families and allow participants to dig into the quality indicators for each.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Kamille Seward, Flamboyan Foundation
Making Student Data Actionable: Creating sustainable systems for data driven interventions
With a renewed focus on "data driven interventions" in schools, teachers and administrators are collecting more student data than ever before. However, it can be hard to carve out the time to reflect on data effectively, and even with time set aside, it can be difficult to know which data points to focus on. In this session, we'll discuss how to set aside time for data reflection, how to structure data meetings to best use available time (whether you have 2 minutes, 20 minutes, or 2 hours), and what kinds of data points to focus on. School leaders from Basis DC and KIPP DC will share their experiences and best practices, and participants will have the opportunity to plan their first data meetings of the school year.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Alex Rose-Henig, BASIS DC; Marlene Tempchin, Deans List; Stephanie Young; Jill Kahane
Stumbling Toward Equity: Using Data to Help Reduce the Impact of Cognitive Bias
This workshop is for educators who want to develop strategies for using data with an equity lens. Participants will learn about the impact of cognitive bias on educational equity and how Capital City PCS has started to build systems to disrupt it - data collection tools, variation analysis, etc. Participants will explore the process we've undertaken with implementing an interim assessment program to put education equity at the center of our data work.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Dominique Coote and Jacob Fishbein, Capital City PCS
Enrollment target to goal: How to develop intentional outreach strategies using data
The District of Columbia is home to over 90,000 students that attend more than 200 public and public charter schools. My School DC – the District’s unified lottery for DCPS and public charter schools – has simplified and centralized what used to be a disparate application process for families and schools. Families now have a clear timeline and method through which to learn about, apply to, and be “matched” to public schools of choice. Similarly, LEAs have a clear timeline for which to plan, recruit, enroll, and retain students at their schools. This workshop will guide participants on how to plan for, develop and measure outreach strategies informed by data to meet their goals and, ultimately, better serve students and families.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Aryan Bocquet and Aaron Parrott, OSSE/ My School DC
SESSION 2: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Data Analyst
Excel Deep Dive: IF Functions
In this workshop, you will learn about the advanced IF functions [COUNTIF(S), SUMIF(S), AVERAGEIF(S)] that form the tables, giving you greater flexibility to design your own. Mastering Advanced IF Functions will allow you to maximize the power of Excel to comfortably manipulating data in spreadsheets and enable you to more easily identify trends in student or school data. This is a hands on workshop with instructor support. Practice data sets will be provided for this session. Attendees much have a basic understanding of the following Excel features: basic calculations, commonly used functions (i.e. SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT), and cell referencing.
A laptop with Microsoft Office is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Angela Morgan, KIPP Foundation
Data Analyst
Predictive analytics and early warning systems for end of year academic performance
Do you want to feed all your data streams into a predictive model for early warning, to find out in real time what each student needs to be successful on the end of year exam (PARCC)? This workshop will describe an approach, called Bayesian analysis, that produces statistically sound, actionable results -- even from small samples -- that can be used by educators. This is a model where you input prior beliefs about performance expectations, add data at various points, and after each new refresh of the data, update those beliefs based on all the data in hand. Workshop participants will have a chance to see an early version of the predictor and contribute their ideas for improving the next generation of this tool.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Ignacio Martinez, Mathematica Policy Research
Data Analyst
Project Management for Data Analysts
Empower data managers to take charge of their task list with best practices from the field of project management including: managing up, drafting effective meeting agendas with your manager, breaking projects into manageable tasks, providing slices, and creating task trackers and simple GANTT charts in Google Sheets.
A laptop with Microsoft Office is required for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Jessica Taguding, PCSB
Data Visualization
Intro to QlikSense: Going Beyond OSSE Applications and Connecting Disparate Data Sources
This workshop will teach participants the information and skills they need to begin effectively using QlikSense to improve student outcomes. This session will highlight ways Qlik is being used outside of the education space and how those practices can be adapted to meet the needs of educators.
Finally, users will be lead through a guided exercise where they will:
Build a new QlikSense application from scratch
Create a working data model using mock school attendance and assessment data
Learn how to build a variety of visualizations
Combine those visualizations into an insightful dashboard
Participants must have access to a laptop and QlikSense for this session. If you are not provided a token by your school, you can use the free online version of Qlik by registering here: https://www.qlik.com/us/try-or-buy/join-qlik-sense-cloud
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Noah Katzman, Empower K12
Early Childhood
Coaching on CLASS: Integrating the CLASS rubric into professional development practice
This session is for instructional leaders and teacher leaders in preschool and pre-kindergarten who utilize the CLASS Rubric.This session will focus on how to take the CLASS rubric from an accountability tool to a dynamic guide of best practices in the early childhood classrooms. We will share the systems and strategies AppleTree Early Learning PCS has utilized to increase understanding of the rubric and support integration of CLASS best practices. Then, workshop attendees will participate in a strategy session to identify practices to implement in their schools in the Fall.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Amponsah Nkansah and Rebecca Kimport, AppleTree Public Charter School
Stretch Growth: Creating a Path to Proficiency
Description: All educators aspire to help their students reach proficiency and/or above proficiency, yet many of them struggle to understand how much students should grow within a school year to achieve these goals. In this session, participants will learn more about i-Ready Assessments; their correlation to standards and their new Differentiated Student Growth Model and more importantly what educators should do to go beyond “Typical” growth by focusing on key educator actions like Engaging Students in Goal Setting. To support better use of data, participants will look at data and practice having data conversations with their peers.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Kenneth Tam, Curriculum Associates
Boldly Using Data to Improve Student Success
Are you looking for ways to integrate data into your school planning? Would you like to explore ways to use data to guide decision-making about instruction, curriculum, and programming? Hear from a panel of school leaders and data staff about what this looks like at their schools, including leaders from EmpowerK12 Bold Performance and Bold Improvement Schools. Panelists will share information about their current data cycles, the data questions they ask, and how they use the answers to inform planning and interventions.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Josh Boots, Empower K12; Daniela Anello, DC Bilingual; Maisha Riddlesprigger, Ketcham Elementary School; Brandy Tyson, Center City PCS
Using Data to Inform Middle School Practice
The transition from middle to high school is a pivotal point in a student’s life that establishes the foundation for success in high school and beyond. This session will focus on (1) an overview Bridge to High School Data Exchange and Kid Talk (2) the use of key data that supports 8th to 9th grade transition (3) data strategies, best practices and interventions for managing middle to high school transitions.
A laptop is needed for this session. Being a part of the Bridge to High School Data Exchange is helpful but not required.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Jessica Jackson, Project Director, Bridge to High School Data Exchange
Leveraging Academic Data at All Levels of Your Charter School
In this interactive workshop, school leaders and staff will understand and explore effective ways of sharing data from the student level to the Board level. We will define which academic data components are critical for sharing at each level of the organization to support appropriate awareness, planning and decision-making throughout the school year. Participants will then apply the material in a data planning exercise and share best practices from their schools.
A laptop and school data (interim assessment, budget, etc.) are needed for this session..
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): John Roussel and Jimmy Henderson, EdOps
SESSION 3: 2:15pm - 3:45pm
Data Analyst
Analyzing Behavior Data with Pivot Tables
You’ve made a behavior intervention plan, and the teacher has faithfully filled out a tracker every day, but what do you do now? If you’ve ever wanted help sorting through piles of behavior data, this is the workshop for you. Participants will learn 1) how to create pivot tables, a powerful Excel tool for quickly and easily generating data summaries, and 2) how to apply this tool to behavior data as a way to analyze behavior patterns and the efficacy of behavior interventions.
A laptop with Microsoft Office is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Katie Newmark, KIPP DC
Data Analyst
Understanding High School Growth Models
The topic is understanding how growth models work in high school, where not all subjects are tested, not all students progress at the same rate, and there are different assessments for the same subject (e.g. SAT, PARCC). The goal is discuss criteria for what makes a good assessment for both outcomes and pretests, how to calculate impacts on growth (using mean or median growth percentiles, value added estimates, or Bayesian impact estimates), and most importantly, how to interpret results. We will focus on reliability and validity as well as practical issues related to using the growth metrics to measure success and drive improvement. This is for high school staff who understand some basics about student growth models but want to learn more.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Steven Glazerman, Mathematica Policy Research
Data Visualization
Dashboards 101
Using Google Sheets or Excel, participants will be able to develop dashboards that drive multiple analyses and increase the specificity of data usage through the use of a single large data set. While many schools have student information systems that are able to house large amounts of data, they are not always easily or significantly customizable to generate data reports to drive decision-making. This workshop will focus on how to create very adaptable tools to filter down and focus in on specific subgroups from data that schools already collect. This workshop will also include how to develop dashboards that specifically align to OSSE and PCSB metrics for attendance, suspension and truancy. Participants should be proficient with COUNT, SUM, IF, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions in Excel.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Amanda Lumnah, Ingenuity Prep
Early Childhood
Play-Based Learning and Data Driven Instruction
We will discuss the theory and research behind the play-based Tools of the Mind Curriculum, and dive into how to assess play in an embedded manner, how to analyze that data, and use it to inform instruction, scaffolding play, and the classroom environment. Our goal is for the audience to walk away with a clear method for assess, understanding the analysis process, and how that analysis should inform their next steps towards growth in play.
A laptop is required for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Jessica Boyd, KIPP DC: Connect Academy and Luis Gallego, Tools of the Mind
TNTP’s Next National Report: What can 4,000 Students Teach Us about School?
TNTP’s national reports – from The Widget Effect to The Mirage – have had a significant influence on educational policy and practice. Come hear a preview of TNTP’s next national report (releasing September 2018), where you’ll discover what TNTP learned after spending a year in schools around the country – observing more than 1,000 hours of instruction, rating the quality of more than 5,500 assignments, and gathering more than 28,000 in-the-moment student surveys. In this study, we found that kids spend the vast majority of their time on below grade-level content and get mixed messages about how ready they are for college and career as a result. After hearing a bit about our findings, you’ll have a chance to consider the quality of some of the assignments we collected from classrooms around the country using a simple student work protocol that you can take back to your own school site(s) and use to monitor progress.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Ann Wenzel, Adam Maier and Marni Bromberg TNTP
Measuring Effectiveness of Coaching
In this workshop, we will discuss ways that we incorporate and build data measures to measure the impact of effective coaching strategies. We will discuss the model of coaching while targeting the data used to support classrooms, leaders, coaches and program manager’s their impact of their time spent in classrooms shifting the instructional practice of teachers.
A laptop and school data (interim assessment, budget, etc.) are needed for this session.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User
Speaker(s): Amponsah Nkansah, AppleTree Public Charter School
Planning Your School's Data Calendar
Using data to improve student achievement requires a commitment to ongoing cycles of data analysis, action planning, collecting evidence, and using it to make adjustments or changes. In this session, we will review tips and best practices for creating a school data calendar that includes data meetings with school teams. You will then have time to outline your next steps for your school and begin planning your data calendar to ensure your school is asking the right questions with the right people at the right time for meaningful data meetings.
A laptop with Microsoft Office is required for this session.
Target Audience: Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Josh Boots, Empower K12, Kenli Okada, E.L. Haynes PCS
Let’s Build a Better Survey to Have Better Data
Surveying educational stakeholders is a great way to collect crucial information about perceptions, feelings, motivations, and intentions. Many instructors and school leaders use surveys as a way to gather valuable data pertaining to student and family needs, desires, and overall satisfaction. However, many surveys are often developed (unintentionally) haphazardly and without clear focus and they don't truly get at the crux of what school leaders and instructors really want to know; when this happens we end up with subpar data. This workshop will introduce participants to sound principles in survey development and the best methods for analyzing survey data.
Target Audience: Beginning Data User, Intermediate Data User, Advanced Data User
Speaker(s): Dereck Norville-Bowie, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards